Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Toddler Storytime: Prize-winning books

This theme is a little unusual, but I argue that it provides two valuable things in lieu of a cohesive theme:
-the opportunity to talk about selection tools for parents early in a child's development
-a means to present a smattering of picture books that go above and beyond.

I picked up 100 Best books for Children by Anita Silvey and decided to start my planning with her suggestions, as she is such a respected figure in Children's literature (see her awesome blog here: 

Opening song: Silly dance contest by Jim Gill

Everyone finds their seats, and then we do Open, Shut them:
Open, shut them.    
Give a little clap. 
Open, shut them  
Put them in your lap.  

Books one, two, three, four: (chosen according to the energy level of the room)
  • Leo the Late Bloomer by Robert Kraus
  • Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion
  • Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
  • Kitten's First Full Moon by Kevin Henkes
  • Tuesday by David Weisner  

Rhythm song:

Tap your sticks by Hap Palmer
Pass out drumsticks. If you run through each tapping motion first and the toddlers will be able to follow along.

Action rhymes one, two and three: (also chosen according the energy level of the room)

Here is the Beehive Here is the beehive... but where are all the bees? 
(hold up fist)
Hidden inside where nobody sees. (move other hand around fist) Here they come buzzing out of the hive One, two, three, four, five.(hold fingers up one at a time) Bzzzzzzzz… all fly away!(wave fingers)

The Grand Old Duke of York
(Everyone begins marching.)
The grand old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men
He marched them up to the top of the hill (march up on your tippy toes, or standing tall)
and he marched them down again. (march crouched down low)
When they were up, they were up (march up high again)
and when they were down they were down (march low)
and when they were only halfway up (march mid-height)
They were neither up (march up) nor down (march down)

Where is thumbkin? (and pinkie, and family)
 (Start with hands behind back)

Where is thumbkin?
Where is thumbkin?
Here I am (Bring right hand to front, with thumb up) 

Here I am. (Bring left hand to front,with thumb up)
How are you this morning?
Very well, I thank you. (Wiggle thumbs as if they're 'talking' to each other)
Run away (Hide right hand behind back)
Run away.(Hide left hand behind back)
Sung to the tune of Frere Jacques and repeated with pinkie and family (all the fingers.)
Closing song: Icky Sticky Bubble Gum  
Icky, sticky, icky, sticky bubble gum bubble gum, bubble gum. 
Icky, sticky, icky, sticky bubble gum stuck to my *head.  
And I pull, and I pull, and they’re off!  
(Repeat with different parts of the body) *toes; *knees;*ears; *nose *eyebrows
(We usually close with 'stuck to my friend!' where you go around playfully tagging the kids.)  

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