Favorite Rhymes and Fingerplays

Hello song
Hello, hello and how are you?
I’m fine, I’m fine and I hope that you are too.

Open Shut Them
Open-shut them, open shut them
Give a little clap-clap-clap
Open shut them, open shut them
Lay them in your lap-lap-lap.

Can you kick with two feet?

Can you kick with two feet?  Two feet, two feet? 
Can you kick with two feet? Kick kick kick kick kick

Can you clap with two hands? Two hands, two hands? 
Can you clap with two hands? Clap clap clap clap clap

Can you wiggle with ten fingers?...
Can you sway from side to side?...
Can you kiss with two lips?...

Tall as a Tree/Jack in the Box

Tall as a tree  (arms in the air) 
Wide as a house  (arms out to the side) 
This as a pin  (arms down) 
Small as a mouse  (crouch down)
Jack in the box (still crouched down, hands over head like a lid) 
So quiet and still 
Will you come out? Of course I will!  (jump up)

The Grand Old Duke of York 

(child can be lifted up and down by an adult, or move up and down independently)
The Grand Old Duke of York
He had ten thousand men. 
He marched them up to the top of the hill 
And he marched them down again!
And when they’re up, they’re up. 
And when they’re down, they’re down. 
And when they’re only half-way up, They’re neither up nor down!

Tommy thumbs up
Tommy Thumbs Up 
Tommy thumbs down 
Tommy thumbs dancing all around the town 
Dance them on your shoulders
Dance them on your head 
Dance them on your knees 
And tuck them into bed!

Here is the Beehive

Here is the beehive... but where are all the bees? (hold up fist)
Hidden inside where nobody sees. (move other hand around fist)
Here they come buzzing out of the hive
One, two, three, four, five.(hold fingers up one at a time)
Bzzzzzzzz! (tickle child)

This Is Big (Thank you librarian Mel!)

This is big big big Hold arms out, hands open wide
This is small small small Cup hands together as if around a tiny thing
This is short short short Hold a hand down low
This is tall tall tall Reach one hand way up high above head
This is fast fast fast Circle fists quickly
This is slow slow slow Circle fists slowly
This is yes yes yes Nod
This is no no no Shake head


A is for alligator (Hold arms out like a big mouth and SNAP them together)
B is for bear (Make bear claws and growl) 
C is for circle (Spin hand in a big circle) and 
D is for sitting DOWN (point down at the ground and sit)

5 Fat Sausages
5 fat sausages sizzling in the pan,
the oil got hot (throw hands up in surprise)
and the sausage went BANG! (clap hands)

These are the colors over you (Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)
This is a fabulous song to use with a parachute. 
Tell participants to gently shake the parachute until 
they get to "These are the colors over you," 
when they lift it up high overhead.

Red and yellow, green and blue,
These are colors over you
Red like an apple, green like a tree
Yellow like the sun and blue like the sea
Red and yellow, green and blue
These are colors over you

How many friends are here today? 
A fun counting chant.

The Wiggles

A wiggle wiggle here,
A wiggle wiggle there,
Wiggle your hands up in the air.

Wiggle your shoulders,
Wiggle your hips,
Wiggle your knees,
And move your lips.

Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle.
And wiggle some more –
And now let’s sit down on the floor.

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