Favorite Printables

If you go through as many coloring pages as our department does, you know that not all coloring pages are created equal. These are some of the sites I go to when I need coloring pages that look nice and print easily.

Hello Kitty and Friends

Jan Brett's World

Madeline Activity Pages


Nursery Rhyme Printable Mini Books (Many thanks to the State Library of Louisiana!) https://www.state.lib.la.us/empowerlibrary/ALL%2024%20NRNS%20Mini%20Books.pdf

Sesame Street

PBS Printables

1000 Books Before Kindergarten Printables

One of my favorite sites for storytime-specific printables is http://www.education.com/ 

Dover Books also puts out a Sampler of coloring sheets from their high-quality coloring books: http://www.doverpublications.com/sampler/intro/

Demco makes Early Literacy calendars that are great for inspiration:

Not a coloring page, but the CDC's Developmental Milestone checklists are also something I find useful to share with parents at programs: https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/index.html

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