Sunday, January 20, 2013

Things I love about being a children's librarian- a list in progress

  1. I always know the number of the latest KidzBop album.
  2. Whenever I hear uncontrollable peals of laughter coming from the computer, I know that some kids are discovering Photobooth filters for the first time. 
  3. I love how enthusiastically preschoolers want to 'Shake, shake, shake their sillies out.'  I also know they will never actually run out of sillies. Ever.
  4. I get reference questions like this gem from a 7 year old girl: "Okay, so, I need books about wolves. Because I am in a wolf pack. I need to know everything about how wolves act, what they do, and what they eat and stuff. My friends are in the wolf pack too."

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