In 1871, Georgie Burkhardt is faced with the reported death of her beloved sister Agatha. Georgie is a pragmatic, plucky 13 year old coming of age in Placid, Wisconsin. Although her family implores her to accept the tragic reality of the situation, Georgie cannot believe her intelligent, tenacious sister is gone. She has her own theories about Agatha's disappearance that are implausible to her family (and the reader) but her remaining shreds of hope compel her to run away from home in search of answers. She sets off to track the pigeoneers, a band of unsavory opportunists Agatha had been seen with when her body was found. What follows is an engrossing adventure in the wild and wooly prairies of Wisconsin, sure to satisfy lovers of mystery and nature alike.
Strengths: The writing is lucid, full of action, and the plot is perfectly paced. This is a well-rounded tale with an endearing protagonist, creatively placed in a unique moment of natural history.
Not-quite-strengths: I can't say there were any faults worth mentioning. A solid, delightful tale.
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